Tuesday, February 20, 2007

It's Tuesday and since Monday was a holiday I will be behind all week. My wonderful hubby hung some more shelves in my craft zone and I bought a few accessories to hang things up with and I'm sooooo loving it. I think I heard some humming from inside today....now just carve out some time to create and the music will start.

My two boy always come up with the funniest things to say so I thought I would post a few from the last few days so that I will remember them:

While talking about his height Houston (almost 10 yo) stated that "he hasn't reached his adolescent growth spurt yet

While working on homework
Houston: "Mom do you think there will be another Armageddon?"
Mom: "If you don't quit talking and finish your homework there will be an Armageddon on your butt

Reece who is 3 1/2 always has some great ones: although Christmas was almost two months ago Santa still seems to be heavy on his mind

Conversation started..."Mommy I wanna call Santa" Why? "cause I miss him" well I think he's working " I wish I was Santa so I could make some toys then turn back into a real boy again" a few seconds pass then "If I was a chocolate Santa I would get all the toys dirty"

Favorite saying : Oh pleeeeeaaaasseee Mommy, followed by batting eyelashes and a big grin

Told his Daddy I don't need your help right now but someday I will still love you

When he ask for toys and such I say "lets put it on the list" this worked at Christmas to defer any purchases and it worked. Today at Walmart he wanted some Floam and I said "let's put it on the list" he smiled and agreed then suddenly (as if a light went on) he turned around and said "we gonna need some paper and pencil wif us cause I never member to write em down when I can get home" LOL

On another note I saw a documentary about a little girl Juliana Wetmore from Jacksonville who was born with Treacher Collins syndrome and has had major surgeries to restore her face and make eating and talking a possibility for her. I was so moved by her story that I went on line to look her up. During the Documentary she was only 2 and now is almost 4. What an amazing story. I will not for get her and her family. I thank God for the blessing I have been given and Julianna's parents treasure their little girl just as much. As a Therapist I'm amazed by the parents who never complain or say "why me"...they just continue on with the gift they have. It makes you stop and think about all the little things that annoy or irritate you...in the big picture most are just trivial but we make them monstrous. Visit her site at JulianaWetmore.net and your world will look a whole lot brighter.

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