Sunday, September 7, 2008

Summer Daze

Summer is over and it was a great time. How many of you (except Jessi) failed to get all the things done you had planned? 10 weeks seems like enough time to get all those "to do list" items finished but you blink and shazaam!!! it's over. So here is a recap of all the things I meant to tell you about over the past few months.

Reece turned 5 and had a great time wiht his buds from Pre-K

Houston moved up to middle school

We enjoyed a fun week in Orlando playing in the pool, going to Sea World and the Boy's favorite was Leggo Land

In July we went to Horseshoe Beach to spend time with family and the boys had a blast scalloping

We had lots of lazy days going to the movies, riding bikes, playing with friends, fishing and just being carefree


Anonymous said...

Hi Charlene!
It was so good to hear from you!
Sounds like you had a fun and exciting summer with the boys. Your the kind of mom every boy wishes they had, I'm sure! The boys are adorable, as usual! Maybe one day we'll get the kids together. Carsyn is now 6, and Mason is 1. Where did the time go?? Take care. :) Camie

mama j said...

Oh my---if ONLY I had done everything on my "wish list." I failed to take the boys to see a dairy farm-so I'll need to connect w/ you re: the one you told me about.

You got SCALLOPS? OMG-Dana would DIE for that opportunity!!! We miss our boat so much! (Sure would be nice w/ the boys at this age!) We used to do so much clamming down in Englewood during the weekends. YUMMO!

How's school going for R? How's MS for H? He's still at P'view right? Email me sometime and catch me up!

I can't believe 20 days have gone and I hadn't checked your blog! WOW! Miss seeing ya'll around! Hope to catch up soon!