Thursday, February 22, 2007

Thursday...where has the week gone? Had a relaxing day enjoying my Valentine's facial and a few hours home alone. Got the Pics from the Vette photo shoot..not the best but the only one of us together with the car. The car is being published in Vette Magazine and we spent a few hours getting the car photographed...our own children have yet to be professionally photographed ...LOL

Had a busy fun day yesterday too. In the morning after I dropped Reece at school I went to see my friend Betsy. I got to take a few photo's of her adorable little Ryan and helped her plant some was way better than the paper work that I had to do at home. On my way to pick up Reece at school my best friend Dawn called and we had lunch...what a great day! I love catching up with my girlfriends and sometimes impromptu meetings are more successful than planned ones. We ended the evening by taking the Boy's to Sarasota Circus... it was OK. Reece's take "I no like this Circus"..."where the animals" there were some horses and a dog show but otherwise it was acrobatic and aerial acts... oh well we tried.

He was very excited about school today because the Firetruck was coming ...he got a hat and a tour. Rick picked him up at school and said he talked about it all the way home. Houston and Rick should be on the way back from music lessons and we are having spagetti.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

It's Tuesday and since Monday was a holiday I will be behind all week. My wonderful hubby hung some more shelves in my craft zone and I bought a few accessories to hang things up with and I'm sooooo loving it. I think I heard some humming from inside just carve out some time to create and the music will start.

My two boy always come up with the funniest things to say so I thought I would post a few from the last few days so that I will remember them:

While talking about his height Houston (almost 10 yo) stated that "he hasn't reached his adolescent growth spurt yet

While working on homework
Houston: "Mom do you think there will be another Armageddon?"
Mom: "If you don't quit talking and finish your homework there will be an Armageddon on your butt

Reece who is 3 1/2 always has some great ones: although Christmas was almost two months ago Santa still seems to be heavy on his mind

Conversation started..."Mommy I wanna call Santa" Why? "cause I miss him" well I think he's working " I wish I was Santa so I could make some toys then turn back into a real boy again" a few seconds pass then "If I was a chocolate Santa I would get all the toys dirty"

Favorite saying : Oh pleeeeeaaaasseee Mommy, followed by batting eyelashes and a big grin

Told his Daddy I don't need your help right now but someday I will still love you

When he ask for toys and such I say "lets put it on the list" this worked at Christmas to defer any purchases and it worked. Today at Walmart he wanted some Floam and I said "let's put it on the list" he smiled and agreed then suddenly (as if a light went on) he turned around and said "we gonna need some paper and pencil wif us cause I never member to write em down when I can get home" LOL

On another note I saw a documentary about a little girl Juliana Wetmore from Jacksonville who was born with Treacher Collins syndrome and has had major surgeries to restore her face and make eating and talking a possibility for her. I was so moved by her story that I went on line to look her up. During the Documentary she was only 2 and now is almost 4. What an amazing story. I will not for get her and her family. I thank God for the blessing I have been given and Julianna's parents treasure their little girl just as much. As a Therapist I'm amazed by the parents who never complain or say "why me"...they just continue on with the gift they have. It makes you stop and think about all the little things that annoy or irritate the big picture most are just trivial but we make them monstrous. Visit her site at and your world will look a whole lot brighter.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Saturday observations: I love Saturdays. No kids to get ready for school, stay in my jammies till noon if I want, spend time catching up at home. This is what's going on now: my boys are playing with Pirate figurines and ship (getting along very well), clothes in the washer and dryer, house being cleaned in between blogging and surfing, kitchen counters spotless (this is one of those things that last about 10 minutes around my house), its sunny but cold outside so that's why we are inside for now. gotta get back to cleaning.
This is definitely one of my passions. I would give anything to be able to draw or sketch but it's just not one of my talents. With my camera I can be as artistic and creative as I want. With creative editing I can be an "Artist". I would love to spend more time learning and creating with my camera. I have no interest in being paid for my work as that becomes a job and not a hobby. With a hobby there is no can't make a's just you and your ideas. I love taking close-ups. When I freeze a moment in time it brings such joy every time I look at it. Through scrap booking I can journal and preserve that moment so someday my children can enjoy the moment that I love.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Here we go! It's about time I started keeping track of this life I love...although sometimes I have to remind myself. It's so easy to get caught up in the chaos of life that we forget the, shelter and health. I have so much more than the basics and for that I'm eternally grateful. I was asked recently about a mission statement and I got to thinking "what is my mission"?. It use to be easy...get an education, find a job, enjoy my husband, spend time with friends and live happily ever after. I got the education, got the job, enjoy my husband, adored my friends but ever after has a lot of forks in the road....aka KIDS. Now I don't have the job and friends are distant memories of people who use to share my life (thank God for that husband). In short my mission has taken on a whole new meaning but I have yet to give it a solid foundation...I'm operating without a valid statement, one I truly believe in, one that makes my heart sing, one I look forward to everyday. So for me today begins a new journey to make a statement. I don't want to picket any cause or walk the beach in a thong...I just want to selfishly do this all for me. I'm looking forward to the journey.