Friday, February 16, 2007

Here we go! It's about time I started keeping track of this life I love...although sometimes I have to remind myself. It's so easy to get caught up in the chaos of life that we forget the, shelter and health. I have so much more than the basics and for that I'm eternally grateful. I was asked recently about a mission statement and I got to thinking "what is my mission"?. It use to be easy...get an education, find a job, enjoy my husband, spend time with friends and live happily ever after. I got the education, got the job, enjoy my husband, adored my friends but ever after has a lot of forks in the road....aka KIDS. Now I don't have the job and friends are distant memories of people who use to share my life (thank God for that husband). In short my mission has taken on a whole new meaning but I have yet to give it a solid foundation...I'm operating without a valid statement, one I truly believe in, one that makes my heart sing, one I look forward to everyday. So for me today begins a new journey to make a statement. I don't want to picket any cause or walk the beach in a thong...I just want to selfishly do this all for me. I'm looking forward to the journey.

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